About This Item:
Type: Internet Security For Laptops & Computers
Validity: 1 User - 1 Year
Edition: Standard Edition
Subscription Type: New
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FEATURES: Secure your Wi-Fi and PC from threats when you browse, bank, chat, and email. One product to protect all your devices against threats. Robust features to protect PC and data against malware without compromising performance. Robust features to protect PC and data against malware without compromising performance.
VULNERABILITY SCAN: Scan for security/vulnerability holes in your system and get the best fix with just one click.
RANSOMWARE PROTECTION: Real-time multi-layer ransomware protection with smart data backup and restore features.
ADVANCED DNASCAN: Detect and block unknown threats with behavioral and characteristic inspection.
ANTI-MALWARE: Scans thoroughly to detect and clean malware and other potential threats in your computer.
MALWARE AND VIRUS PROTECTION: Multi-layered protection against zero-day attacks, virus, phishing, and malware.
BROWSING PROTECTION: Enjoy safe browsing experience by blocking risky sites from advanced attacks.
SAFE BANKING: Advanced feature to protect your online banking and shopping activities.
SMART SCAN ENGINE: Scans files and folders in lesser time without using too much system resources.
EXTERNAL DRIVE PROTECTION: Block malware that may infiltrate through external drives and infect your system.
IDS/IPS: Analyze your network for signatures that match known cyberattacks and take actions to block it.
FIREWALL PROTECTION: Protect your network from the latest threats with features that secure your unique environment.Protect your online privacy and personal information from data breaches.Get freedom with privacy no matter wherever you go on the internet.
WI-FI SCANNER: Assess the security of your Wi-Fi network and router, no matter where you connect.
DATA THEFT PROTECTION: Restrict unauthorized USB port access and prevent data theft.
ANTI-KEYLOGGER: Prevent hackers from stealing your data without your consent with just a few clicks.
PARENTAL CONTROL: Restrict inappropriate websites/apps for your children and give them a safe browsing experience.Ultimate Digital Protection tools for your entire family.Custom tools to track your stolen PC, manage antivirus product remotely, and more.
TRACK YOUR LAPTOP: Reliable way of tracking your lost or stolen laptop. Get yourself registered today with Quick Heal.
QUICK HEAL REMOTE DEVICE MANAGEMENT (RDM): Get alerts and manage your remote devices with just a few clicks.Protect your PC from malware without compromising your system performance.Tune up and revive your PC performance with Quick Heal’s breakthrough technology.
HIJACK RESTORE: Easily restore the browser default settings modified by malware or spyware.
TRACK CLEANER: Clean file and document tracks that you work on to prevent privacy breach.
2.3 GB disk space
Internet Explorer 6 or later
Internet connection to receive updates
Minimum screen resolution 1024 * 768
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8
4 GB (for Windows 11)
1 GB for 32 bit (for Windows 10/8.1/8
2 GB for 64 bit (for Windows 10/8.1/8)
1 GHz or faster
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